a) 11oz (300g) butter at room temperature
b) 11oz (300g) plain flour sieved
c) 11oz (300g) caster sugar
d) 5 large eggs
e) 1 cap of vanilla extract
f) Small amount of milk (optional)
For the filling:
g) 6 tbsp strawberry jam
h) 120ml whipped cream
i) Handful of chopped strawberries
j) Icing sugar for top.
1) Preheat your oven to 1800C/Gas mark 4.
2) Grease your two (same size) tins and line the bottom with baking/parchment paper.
3) In a mixing bowl, mix the flour and baking powder.
4)In a different bowl, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
5) In a jug, blend the eggs and vanilla extract (you may also add the milk.)
6) Add the blended egg mixture to the butter and the sugar.
7) Fold in the flour and baking powder into the wet mixture.
8) Divide the mixture into the two tins and smooth the top.
9) Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes (oven depending!) or until when you stick a knife into the cake it will be clean.
10) When the cake is baked fully, place them upside down onto a wire rack, remove the baking/parchment paper and allow to cool fully.
11) Once fully cool, place the cream, jam and strawberries on one cake and gently place the other side of the cake on top.
12) Sieve the icing sugar on top of your cake and its ready to serve.